Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Holidays + New Years Update

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't made a post in forever! I typed one out, but then lost it before I could post it...anyway, I just want to start out by saying Happy Holidays to everyone! I had a very good Christmas, because that's what I celebrate, but whatever you celebrate, I hope it was amazing!

As you guys know, today is the first day of 2013, and to many that means trying to keep their New Years Resolution(s), but to many dancers that means.......audition season!

So, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about summer dance intensive auditions. Most of them are held in January, though a few fall in February. This is my first year really trying to get into somewhere. In the fall was when I realized that ballet is what I want to pursue, but I often have thoughts of whether that is possible or not. But I'm not going to let that stop me from going for it and trying to improve as much I as I can. If you are curious, here are the places I am auditioning for:
-SAB (School of American Ballet)
-ABT (American Ballet Theatre)
-Boston Ballet
-Ballet Chicago
-The Rock School

Finally,  I will finish this post with my New Years Resolution. In 2013, I resolve to do my exercises (crunches, plank, releves) and stretch as much as possible so I can become stronger and more flexible and move forward more in my ballet training. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post! 2012 was a good year, but I'm hoping for an even better one in 2013. Happy New Year, and good luck with your resolutions!



  1. Hey! That is so cool that you're trying out for those. I know I don't do ballet right now, but I was wondering what is an audition like, how do you?have you prepared, etc... This is just of curiosity, but maybe you could make a post out of it. Merry CHristmas and Happy New Year:)

    1. I will try to fit some time in to make a post about it! Hopefully I can do a preparation post sometime this weekend, and I'll also try to post about how each audition goes, and the differences between them, and the results I get.

  2. It's great you're trying out for all of those. I was wondering if you have to go to each place to try out, and if there's a fee for each.

    1. All the places I'm auditioning for come to where I live, so I don't have travel. There is a registration fee at each site, too, but usually its less expensive if you pre register (if that's an option.
