Ok, I know that most of my previous posts are titled the same thing-update. But this blog is kinda about my life, so I feel that basically I am updating you on what's happening in my life currently...anyway, last Sunday was our closing of Godspell. There were many tears, and by what people have been saying on Facebook, many after that day. I can confirm that that happened to me. We had created this great community of friends, and it was so hard to go from seeing each other every day like school to, well, not. I live in a different part of the city than where most of the cast does, and where the place I did the intensive is, so it's not like I can just wake up, walk a couple blocks, and be reunited with some people from the intensive.
Also, as soon as the intensive ended, I realized school will start in only a couple weeks, unfortunately. While most people spent their time at the beach or pool, going shopping or going to amusement parks, or on vacation, I spent it in an air conditioned theater, learning songs, memorizing lines, practicing dance steps, and finally, performing. But honestly? I didn't want to spend my summer how most did. I wanted to spend my summer just as it played out. And even though at the end of it all there were sad times, it was completely worth every second of it. It was an amazing experience, and I hope to have many similar to it.
I hope you enjoyed my sappy post- I'll post more soon because...back to school is happening soon. But hey, more to post on! I think I might do some sort of "What's in my dance bag" post.
I'll be posting soon!
Hey, we all get like that sometimes. It was so sad for me when skating camp ended, but we all get to see each other at the rink on early Saturday mornings. Oh how fun. (And it's especially fu n in the winter when it's like 10 degrees)