Friday, September 7, 2012

Should I? Tell Me! + Dance Update

Hey everyone!
I don't know about you, but I started school this week, and so far, it's not bad. But school is school...not something that you guys probably care to read about. So instead, I shall update you on  my dance life! This year, I am starting at a new studio, and I'm really excited, especially because they do a Nutcracker! Classes start next week, but tomorrow is the Nutcracker auditions so that rehearsals can start right away. I haven't seen any of their Nutcracker productions, so I don't know exactly what to expect at my age, or what parts I have a shot at. But I will maybe update before I leave, but I will definitely after I get back and tell you what it was like.
On I different note, I have I question that I asked in the past, and wanted to bring it up again because I didn't get any response. The question is: should I make fashion blog? I've tossed the idea around a bit, but haven't made any decisions. The reason I bring it up is that a person I know created a tumblr, and she had this idea that everyday of that month she will put her iPod on shuffle, and whatever song comes on inspires her outfit that day. I really like the idea a lot. I thought of some options, too. I could make a whole separate blog, or I could have a side series on this blog basically doing what the other person is doing, but not just getting inspiration from music, but from other things too. What those would be, I don't know. But please please PLEASE tell me what you think! If this won't interest you guys, then I won't do it, or I'll just make a separate blog, and designate this one to my dance/theater/everyday life posts.

Thanks for taking the time to read!

The tumblr I mentioned: Check it out, it's really cool!


  1. Ah, school so exciting isn't it?? Haha! Btw, I just followed you:)

  2. Yep it really is :) And thanks for following! I want to follow you, but I didn't see where I could...
