Hello everyone! Time has flown by so fast, it's been a week since my last post! Oh, and happy August! I know that some people in different states start school this week or the 15th, or something like that, but I start back September 5th, so I still have a month of summer left :)
Godspell has been going amazing! I saw the level younger than me in their production of School House Rock Live, Jr., and they were very cute! I think it would be more interesting if there was more acting. It was mostly songs, and lasted for only about 40 minutes (Godspell's first act is somewhere around 50 minutes, and the second act is about 20ish).
Oh, I have something dance related to post about, too! I killed my second pair of pointe shoes! YAY!!! I feel so accomplished. So sometime soon my mom and I are going to go to a dance store, where I really want to try on Freeds... There's no rush because next week my intensive starts going an hour later, and then that Friday we start tech (adding in all the lights, and everything) which we do the following Monday, too, and that's 3 hours later than when we usually end. ANYWAY, the reason it's not going to be a rush is because I won't be able to make my dance classes that week, or for the next because our performances start on Wednesday the 15th.
Well, that's about it for now! I hope you all enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
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