You know how I said in the last post that Wednesdays were one of my favorite days of the week? Well, today wasn't the best of what it could've been.
First, all through ballet I was constantly being annoyed with my left foot because a certain little toe decided to poke it's sharp toenail into it's neighbor, which resulted in a flap of skin being let loose and an uncomfortable barre for about an hour :(.
Next, after a half-hour break, I managed to get rid of the sharp toenail (not the whole thing, just the sharp part) and beginning pointe class was more comfortable. In case you haven't guessed, I am a beginner on pointe and am in my 4th (?) month. The slightly disappointing thing was that I thought that I was doing pretty well for just have coming back from break, but apparently none of us were, according to our teacher. So we did some floor strengthening for our legs...I think...and then went back to the barre to practice bourees (however it-or any of the following words-is spelled), passes, and soutenus in center (really complicated, I know :D)
Finally, my dance time ended with an hour and 1/2 of tap, which, to be quite honest, I'm not as into it as I was in the past year or so. This is not because our teacher, who is really fun an amazing, just tap isn't really my thing anymore. This whole not-excited-ness thing may also be because I just basically danced since 3:30, so I'm tired by the time tap comes around.
Anyway, I really should be doing some homework, so I'm going to sign off now...bye!
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