Friday, January 20, 2012

Oh, Depressing...

In response to thelifeofayoungdancer, I am going to make a list of things that make me sad...sorry if you find this depressing.

1. Watching an 8 year old do the BLACK SWAN (!!!) pas de deux, and feeling stupid because I can't do a double pirouette en pointe when I'm almost a teenager. 
2. Not being able to do a single pirouette en pointe.
3. Being scared of triples on flat.
4. Feeling sorry for a little girl en pointe on YouTube, and then she does 32 freaking fouettes. 
5. Not being able to know the follow up on my musical theater audition because of the weather (except I love snow).
6. My terrible upper-body strength.
7. Hating push-ups.
8. A lot of my friends going to private schools, but we can't afford it.
9. The fact that all those friends have the possibility of going to private high schools too.
10. Listening to everyone talk about different ballet choreographers, and dancers, and secretly wishing I knew all that too. 
11. Wanting to somehow do both a ballet intensive and the musical theater Conservatory in the summer.
12. Feeling bad because I somehow don't miss dance that much...but then thinking about how much pointe training I'm missing and feeling sad.
13. Non-archy feet.
14. Not having a growth spurt.
15. Feeling self-concious of my body.
16. Seeing girls my age in ballets, and knowing that I could really do that, but I can't prove it.