Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cast List is OUT!!!

The Godspell cast list is out! I'm really excited. This post has to be really quick, so I just want to say that I do have one solo, and if you're interested (and because I'm excited) I'll link it below. Bye!

Learn Your Lessons Well (I'm only doing the first part that ends at 0:40)

P.S. Sorry about not posting about the callback...is anyone still interested? Comment below.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ballet Audition

Yes, as the title indicates, I did I a summer ballet intensive audition today. I was pretty confidant, but got more nervous when we were in the studio. There were about 80 people (some boys, but mostly girls) there, and I felt intimidated by how good some of the girls were. Barre went fine though. The only odd thing was, at our studio, we start with both hands off the barre for preparation, but I guess at that certain school, that's not how they do it, because many people started with one hand on the barre. That tripped me up for preparations, but otherwise it was fine.

Then onto center, for some reason my leg wouldn't hold up in the center when we did adagio, so it actually lowered enough so my foot touched the ground. It was frustrating because I knew I could do it, I was just so nervous that I had a hard time keeping my balance. Grrrr... But the other leg I did fine.

Across the floor was a bit odd. I don't know if it was because of our amount of time, but we would only do one side...odd. But whatever, that's OK. Then, we were instructed to put on our pointe shoes. We were told that if we hadn't done something in our other classes, we don't have to do it at the audition. I followed that rule and didn't do pique turns. That turned out to be very awkward on my part, because everyone else did the piques. So after everyone finished, there were a little less than 80 people on one side of the room (the boys didn't do them) and me on the other side. I felt like everyone was staring at me, but that was probably not true.

Last but not least, we have to wait up to 2 1/2 weeks to know. I want to know, but I already know that I'm doing the musical theater program this summer, so it's not an option for me, unless I drop out of Godspell.

Anyway, I'd like to hear from you: what do you do to make your auditions the best they can be? I'll post tomorrow about my musical theater callback. Bye!

Friday, January 27, 2012

So Sorry!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the recent lack of posts, but I am getting back on it!

First off, I want to say I GOT INTO GODSPELL!!! Yessssss....I'm really excited, and this summer is going to be so fun! Hey, people out there who are reading my blog (which hopefully you are!) and are people I know, meaning that we live in the same place...please come to the play, I'd love to see some familiar faces! Oh, and on the Day By Day video I linked in my other post devoted to Godspell and my audition, I say a lot of mean comments calling the people hippies and such, and I would just like to say that this program I am in is not a religious program, and no one in it is really religious. We are doing this play for it's upbeat music, and fun acting, and because our director really likes it (there may be other reasons, but they are not coming to mind). My point is, we actors are not hippies, we are just...actors portraying characters in a very popular musical that was a hit with a wide audience of people.

OK, I really wanted to post more, but I have to sign off. See you guys later! Oh, and A.C. (you know who you are :P) stop worrying about tomorrow; you'll do awesome!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Oh, Depressing...

In response to thelifeofayoungdancer, I am going to make a list of things that make me sad...sorry if you find this depressing.

1. Watching an 8 year old do the BLACK SWAN (!!!) pas de deux, and feeling stupid because I can't do a double pirouette en pointe when I'm almost a teenager. 
2. Not being able to do a single pirouette en pointe.
3. Being scared of triples on flat.
4. Feeling sorry for a little girl en pointe on YouTube, and then she does 32 freaking fouettes. 
5. Not being able to know the follow up on my musical theater audition because of the weather (except I love snow).
6. My terrible upper-body strength.
7. Hating push-ups.
8. A lot of my friends going to private schools, but we can't afford it.
9. The fact that all those friends have the possibility of going to private high schools too.
10. Listening to everyone talk about different ballet choreographers, and dancers, and secretly wishing I knew all that too. 
11. Wanting to somehow do both a ballet intensive and the musical theater Conservatory in the summer.
12. Feeling bad because I somehow don't miss dance that much...but then thinking about how much pointe training I'm missing and feeling sad.
13. Non-archy feet.
14. Not having a growth spurt.
15. Feeling self-concious of my body.
16. Seeing girls my age in ballets, and knowing that I could really do that, but I can't prove it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So exhausted...

Haha, gotcha! I am actually not tired. Because I had no school today! ...Well, actually, I did have school, but do you think that "2 classes+lunch= a full school day"? Yeah, last night, we were informed that there was a delay, two hours late to school. But halfway through science (my third period), our teacher announced we had two hour early dismissal. People are having a lot of snow up north, and it is estimated we will get a lot of snow tonight/tomorrow, so I guess everyone wanted to take precautions. 
But we still have to make up today in the summer because we have to be in school for four hours for it to count as a full school day...ack. So why didn't we just not go to school today? We'd still have to make that day up.

Well.............................................................................................yeah, I've got nothing. That pretty much sums up today. Oh, also we don't have dance today, people! (You know who you are) Credits to thelifeofayoungdancer who informed me of this happening. See you guys later!

Grr...the suspense is killing me!

I had an audition for a musical called Godspell yesterday, and I was nervous, but now I have to wait for up to TWO WHOLE DAYS until I know whether or not I got a callback. The odd thing is, if I don't (or if anyone who auditioned doesn't) get a callback, they/I/we might still be in the show.


Well, the director or the show said that he and some others who will help with casting may decide that a certain part is right for a certain person, therefor they don't have to go to the callbacks because no more needs to be shown from them.

But the point of this whole post is to say......ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! I HATE SUSPENSE!!!!!!!!!

Here are some songs from Godspell that I really enjoy:

Day By Day (I know it's extremely repetitive, but it's a good song, and the acting they do is fun)

By My Side

Don't Rain On My Parade (Barbara Streisand--Okay, yes this song isn't from Godspell, but I found it again while searching YouTube. The Glee version is pretty good too)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It stopped snowing! But there is still snow on the ground! Plus, the forecast says that it is supposed to snow for the next couple days!!!!

Wait a minute--it SNOWING AGAIN!!! Yippee for snow!



It is currently SNOWING!!!!

thelifeofayoungdancer....WAKE. UP. AND. GREET. THE. SNOW!!!! 


AHHHHH!!!!!! SNOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Sorry that I haven't been posting lately... truthfully I haven't had much to post about.

But last week, another girl and I asked our teacher about what we should do to work for center on pointe, and our teacher said that we should just try it, bit by bit. So today I'm excited because of that (but kinda nervous... what if I fall on my face?), but unfortunately I have to get through school first and recite the first Amendment... >:(

Well, I have to go and eat breakfast... yes, I am posting in the morning. :-)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Marcel the Shell!

Okay, so in tap today I mentioned Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, and next to nobody who he was!!! (Yes, he's a he...he doesn't seem like a he, but not really a she either...so yeeaahh) Anyway, I would like to educate all you guys who haven't been exposed to the absolute cuteness. I will link part 1 and 2.

See you guys in dance!
P.S. After watching the videos, if you'd like, leave your favorite parts as comments, (you can see a couple of my favorite parts below) I'd love to read them! <3

Marcel the Shell With Shoes On (original):
Marcel the Shell With Shoes On (part 2)

Couple of my favorite parts:  (spoiler alert!!!!)

"Eeeeaaahhh...*breaths heavily* uh, read on!!"
"May I have drip of water?"
"Treats and snoozin', snoozin' and treats."
"Oh, god. I can smell his face."
"Hullo, this is me."
"My name is Marshell...uh--oh no, that's not the first time I've done that."
"I invited some friends from Upstate to eat salad."
"His name is Alan."
"We won't fight unless we're provoked."


You know how I said in the last post that Wednesdays were one of my favorite days of the week? Well, today wasn't the best of what it could've been.
First, all through ballet I was constantly being annoyed with my left foot because a certain little toe decided to poke it's sharp toenail into it's neighbor, which resulted in a flap of skin being let loose and an uncomfortable barre for about an hour :(.
Next, after a half-hour break, I managed to get rid of the sharp toenail (not the whole thing, just the sharp part) and beginning pointe class was more comfortable. In case you haven't guessed, I am a beginner on pointe and am in my 4th (?) month. The slightly disappointing thing was that I thought that I was doing pretty well for just have coming back from break, but apparently none of us were, according to our teacher. So we did some floor strengthening for our legs...I think...and then went back to the barre to practice bourees (however it-or any of the following words-is spelled), passes, and soutenus in center (really complicated, I know :D)
Finally, my dance time ended with an hour and 1/2 of tap, which, to be quite honest, I'm not as into it as I was in the past year or so. This is not  because our teacher, who is really fun an amazing, just tap isn't really my thing anymore. This whole not-excited-ness thing may also be because I just basically danced since 3:30, so I'm tired by the time tap comes around.

Anyway, I really should be doing some homework, so I'm going to sign off now...bye!

...and we're back!

(Written yesterday, posted today)

Yep, we're all back into the swing of things. Today was the first day back at school, and the first day day back at dance! It's nice to be back since I did little exercising over break. Ballet was okay, just an average class. 
Contemporary was interesting tonight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we started our June recital piece and it involves chairs! It's cool, but kinda hurts to maneuver around. But there is a cool ponche involved, and we get to jump over the chair, so hopefully more cool stuff like that will happen! :-)

Excited to see everyone tomorrow, and I have to agree with thelifeofayoungdancer.blogspot.com, Wednesdays are definitely one of my favorite days of the week!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hope everyone's New Year went well and that you had a good time!

More interesting, dance-related posts coming soon!