Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Summer!

Hi guys! Sorry I've been not posting at all in the last month. I know I promised, and this is making me seem like you can't trust me, and I'm sorry. I'll get into the post now :)

So, as a little follow-up to my last post, my spring concert went well, and everyone had a lot of fun performing. I'm happy I found my current studio, and I'm super excited for the years to come! But that's been over for quite a few weeks, and now school is over too and I'm officially on summer break! The last day of school was kind of difficult, because our school is pretty small, which means everyone knows everyone, and now we're all splitting up for high school. But now that school is over, it means I'm leaving for Boston in just a couple days!

So that's about it for this post. I will be making a post in the next couple days about packing, if you guys are interested. Mostly I'm planning on talking about carry-on things, and how to stay occupied and comfortable.

I hope you guys will continue to follow my blog! I really will work harder to post more often.


1 comment:

  1. please do the packing post it sounds interesting :)
