Friday, February 17, 2012

Hi Again!

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while! I don't have ton to post are there any posts you want to see? Like topics? Please comment :-)

I would now like to talk about Ellen Degeneres. She is very funny, and so incredibly kind. There are other reasons that she is an amazing person, but I don't want a ton of hate or anything like that...anyway, her show has a YouTube channel, and I love watching it and have subscribed to that through my e-mail account. Because of ballet I miss it when it is on, so the clips are really fun to watch. I shall link the channel right here:

Oh, one more thing: I am a teenager! Finally! Okay...bye!!!


  1. I love Ellen too, she's so nice and funny. And Happy Birthday, 13 is a big year!

  2. I think I already said this at dance but...HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! :DDD
