Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Rock School Audition Review/Experience

You should know the drill by now if you've read my previous posts... :)

Prior to the Audition
I had to go straight from a technique class with my friend to the audition, and since the audition was 7:00-9:00, I ate dinner on the way there. Then once we got there, we registered and got our numbers. After that, my friend and I went through some strengthening exercises, and then stretched. Eventually, we were called in.

During the Audition
When we were at the barre, they didn't require us to stand in any number order, which I found a little strange, but it didn't really matter. The one thing I really liked about the audition was as we went through all the exercises, they gave us really specific corrections, and it felt like a real class, and not just an audition. The people at the audition were the heads of the school (I think) and married, and they both taught the audition. After showing the grand allegro combination, the man said "C'mere number 14." and I walked over to him, and realized we were going to demonstrate. It was really fun, because I felt like I was flying.
Pointe wasn't terribly hard, but it wasn't like SAB (see 2(?) posts below).

At the end of the audition, they told us to group up near the front of the room where their table was, and when they called your number, come forward. When they called each person's number, they handed them a folded piece of paper, which told us right then and there whether we had be accepted or not, and if we had, which level. I was accepted, and was placed in level 3, which was very exciting!


  1. That's awesome, congrats! I live about 40 minutes from the rock school, a few people from my company go to their SI's and several years ago one girl moved there year round and now dances in Philadelphia I think.
